Lap Band? Realize Band? BEWARE!

on 2/6/11 9:35 am - Athens, GA

So sorry for your loss!


on 2/6/11 11:38 am
I get that you are completely unsatisfied with your Lap Band? procedure, but I haven't been able to find where you tell your story and why you are so unhappy with it. Did it work for you at all? Were you unaware of what after-life was going to be? Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Did you end up with complications? Im just confused by all the animosity with the band and why you are so proactively trying to get people to stay away from the band. I do see so many people on here that have great success, and to be honest, I would rather have the need to revise to a VSG than from a VSG to a RNY. I have no qualms about having surgery, so I feel like starting with the band is like starting at the beginning.

Thanks for the info
on 2/6/11 12:09 pm - Athens, GA
On February 6, 2011 at 7:38 PM Pacific Time, pretty_face wrote:
I get that you are completely unsatisfied with your Lap Band? procedure, but I haven't been able to find where you tell your story and why you are so unhappy with it. Did it work for you at all? Were you unaware of what after-life was going to be? Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Did you end up with complications? Im just confused by all the animosity with the band and why you are so proactively trying to get people to stay away from the band. I do see so many people on here that have great success, and to be honest, I would rather have the need to revise to a VSG than from a VSG to a RNY. I have no qualms about having surgery, so I feel like starting with the band is like starting at the beginning.

Thanks for the info

Ann it shouldn't be "starting at the beginning" as you put it. We should all choose a WLS that is more effective initially so we DON'T hve to revise! A 2nd WLS is more dangerous that a virgin WLS.

As far as my band.....Well I have told the story on here over n over. Most bandsters don't like it when I do. They feel that just the happy band stories should be told.

I am unhappy with it b/c it has been a complete waste of time and MONEY! I have now had 15 fills in 15 mos. and NO restriction/sweet spot. Complications........the only one is not reacheing the sweet spot. That is actually very common

Did it work at all? yes. It did the first 2 wks when I had no appetite b/c of the swelling from the surgery.

Was I unawayre of what the afterlife would be? Yes! B/c I was never told that you could get unlimited fills and NEVER  reach the sweet spot!

Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Yes! I wasted all this time and effort on it for over a yr.

I am dilligently trying to inform ppl about the band so they don't get stuck with an ineffective WLS!  I want them to know what the band can really be like! If the other bandsters cared about ppl too they would want the same thing for them! If they know all about the band n then still want it then I with them all the best.

You may see some bandsters on here that have been successfull but % wise............not many! Please look at the revision forum and u will see tons of bandsters that have posted on there that they are getting a revision or want a revision! If the band were that great they wouldn't want to put their selves through the pain and expense of another WLS now would they???

Good luck ann!


on 2/7/11 3:45 am - MI
"I am unhappy with it b/c it has been a complete waste of time and MONEY! I have now had 15 fills in 15 mos. and NO restriction/sweet spot. Complications........the only one is not reacheing the sweet spot. That is actually very common (So really no real health issues, just wasn't what you expected)

Did it work at all? yes. It did the first 2 wks when I had no appetite b/c of the swelling from the surgery. (the band will not make you never feel hungry, it will however make you feel satisfied with less food)

Was I unaware of what the afterlife would be? Yes! B/c I was never told that you could get unlimited fills and NEVER  reach the sweet spot! (Any WLS requires some lifestyle changes, not just the band, I don't know what you expected as a "sweet spot", I feel satisfied with a small amount of food, do I feel the "full" I used to think was

Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Yes! I wasted all this time and effort on it for over a yr." (if you view your efforts as a waste of time then you don't have the right mind set for WLS of any kind)

It sounds to me like you didn't do your research before getting the band and now you are trying to educate others who may be in the same boat...good for you. I agree that EVERYONE should research.  The key is to send the message without all the anger you put into your posts. I think you really do mean well it just comes across as anger.

I however did my research, new the risks and the lifestyle. I had my surgery in Sept 2009 and have lost 88 lbs. I feel great and love my band.
MaMa M

on 2/7/11 7:53 am - Athens, GA
On February 7, 2011 at 11:45 AM Pacific Time, MaMa_M wrote:
"I am unhappy with it b/c it has been a complete waste of time and MONEY! I have now had 15 fills in 15 mos. and NO restriction/sweet spot. Complications........the only one is not reacheing the sweet spot. That is actually very common (So really no real health issues, just wasn't what you expected)

Did it work at all? yes. It did the first 2 wks when I had no appetite b/c of the swelling from the surgery. (the band will not make you never feel hungry, it will however make you feel satisfied with less food)

Was I unaware of what the afterlife would be? Yes! B/c I was never told that you could get unlimited fills and NEVER  reach the sweet spot! (Any WLS requires some lifestyle changes, not just the band, I don't know what you expected as a "sweet spot", I feel satisfied with a small amount of food, do I feel the "full" I used to think was

Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Yes! I wasted all this time and effort on it for over a yr." (if you view your efforts as a waste of time then you don't have the right mind set for WLS of any kind)

It sounds to me like you didn't do your research before getting the band and now you are trying to educate others who may be in the same boat...good for you. I agree that EVERYONE should research.  The key is to send the message without all the anger you put into your posts. I think you really do mean well it just comes across as anger.

I however did my research, new the risks and the lifestyle. I had my surgery in Sept 2009 and have lost 88 lbs. I feel great and love my band.
~"I am unhappy with it b/c it has been a complete waste of time and MONEY! I have now had 15 fills in 15 mos. and NO restriction/sweet spot. Complications........the only one is not reacheing the sweet spot. That is actually very common (So really no real health issues, just wasn't what you expected)~

It is not at all what I expected! I expected to reach restriction/sweet spot in 3-5 fills like I was told..........Maybe a few more.

I did NOT pay all that money to NOT have restriction/sweet spot and be in the same position I was in BEFORE my WLS!

Did it work at all? yes. It did the first 2 wks when I had no appetite b/c of the swelling from the surgery. (the band will not make you never feel hungry, it will however make you feel satisfied with less food)~

Excuse me? Did I say I expected the band to make me never hungry??? NO!

~Was I unaware of what the afterlife would be? Yes! B/c I was never told that you could get unlimited fills and NEVER  reach the sweet spot! (Any WLS requires some lifestyle changes, not just the band, I don't know what you expected as a "sweet spot", I feel satisfied with a small amount of food, do I feel the "full" I used to think was ~

What I expected is to feel satisfied with a small amount of food like you do!

Did you give it your all and it didn't work? Yes! I wasted all this time and effort on it for over a yr." (if you view your efforts as a waste of time then you don't have the right mind set for WLS of any kind)~

Who the hell are you to judge that?!?!? U have some nerve!

~It sounds to me like you didn't do your research before getting the band and now you are trying to educate others who may be in the same boat...good for you. I agree that EVERYONE should research.  The key is to send the message without all the anger you put into your posts. I think you really do mean well it just comes across as anger. ~

I quite obviously did NOT do my research very well! Had I come to the band forum before my surgery I know I never would have gotten it. I see ppl post on here daily about no restriction/sllips/port problems/leaks.
Am I angry? Hell yes I am! That is why I do not let the happy/insulting bandsters on here intimidate me and I keep posting to try to educate pre-ops and to help those that already have a band that is not working.

~I however did my research, new the risks and the lifestyle. I had my surgery in Sept 2009 and have lost 88 lbs. I feel great and love my band.~

Very happy that you researched and that your band is working well for you. That is what we all wanted. Most of us though.............did not get that!


on 2/7/11 4:41 am
I'm sorry but there's a difference between having a strong opinion and wanting to help others, and RANTS.

And as I stated in another post similar to this, I personally would be more concerned about being dysfunctional and focus on that. 

I'm just saying.

on 2/7/11 7:54 am - Athens, GA
On February 7, 2011 at 12:41 PM Pacific Time, speck wrote:
I'm sorry but there's a difference between having a strong opinion and wanting to help others, and RANTS.

And as I stated in another post similar to this, I personally would be more concerned about being dysfunctional and focus on that. 

I'm just saying.

And just who is "dysfunctional"???


Hermosa L
on 2/7/11 6:32 am
one of the "few" only a "few" are successful... really I think I can name at least 15 on this board and that's a little more than a few..

And yes Lynne did have complications and revised BUT SHE LOST WEIGHT WITH THE BAND oh yeah and guess what Maria we all diet with the band it's a lifestyle.. I watch everything I eat so yes it's a diet.. a forever diet lifestyle.. :)
on 2/7/11 7:59 am - Athens, GA
On February 7, 2011 at 2:32 PM Pacific Time, Hermosa L wrote:
one of the "few" only a "few" are successful... really I think I can name at least 15 on this board and that's a little more than a few..

And yes Lynne did have complications and revised BUT SHE LOST WEIGHT WITH THE BAND oh yeah and guess what Maria we all diet with the band it's a lifestyle.. I watch everything I eat so yes it's a diet.. a forever diet lifestyle.. :)
Excuse me but 15 successful ppl out of all these bandsters on here IS just a few!

So what if Lynn lost weight with the band? A lost of ppl lose weight with it only to have compllications and then have to have it removed. So you consider someone successfull if they lose the weight and can't keep the band b/c of complications??? That is what you consider success?!?!?!

I have no problem with dieting WITH the band. I have the whole time I have had it. The only problem I have is by losing weight ONLY by dieting after I wasted $15,000 on this POS Lap Band!!!

Why do u always want to try to twist my words???


Hermosa L
on 2/7/11 8:31 am
I just stated I could name a few off the top of my head that are regular posters.. second I dont' need you to be in red with extra large print.. I can read you just fine. I think that's why you rub people the wrong way. Your getting your point across we just don't agree and Red, Blue, Green or Orange won't change that.

Lastly... nothing in life is a guarantee.. NOTHING... we don't know if she would gain her weight back and had a revision.. good for her.. 

I think you like to get people to rise to your posts so they check your blog .. how many hits do you require a day for your sponsers? Just curious..
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